St. Louis — Ship of Fate

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Date: Official Opening: March 20, 2018 (Exhibition will run from March 21 – April 29, 2018)
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Canadian War Museum, 1 Vimy Place, Ottawa
Cost: Free, but attendance confirmation is required

Fleeing Nazi persecution in 1939, more than 900 Jewish refugees boarded the German ocean liner St. Louis. They expected to find a safe haven across the Atlantic — instead, they were denied entry to Cuba, then the United States and, finally, Canada. The exiles returned to Europe, where many were killed in the Holocaust. Through photographs, texts and audiovisual materials, St. Louis – Ship of Fate explores the circumstances that led to this human rights tragedy, including the rise of Nazism, international indifference to the plight of refugees, and the dark history of Canadian immigration and anti-Semitism during the 1930s.

A travelling exhibition produced by the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, a part of the Nova Scotia Museum, in collaboration with the Atlantic Jewish Council and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.

(Information taken from Photo: AP Images)