2nd Generation Symposium on topics of interest to children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors

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Date: November 3, 2016
Time: 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Location: Library and Archives Canada, The Pellan Room (second floor), 395 Wellington St., Ottawa

Free event; Registration required. Click here to register. (Registration is full but we are currently accepting registrations for a waiting list.)

Light dinner included.

Ottawa Jewish Bulletin: How do we deal with our past?

Without living through the events of the Holocaust, 2nd Generation, the Descendants of Holocaust survivors, were affected by their parents’ experiences. Many find themselves searching for information their parents did not share. Behind the urge to research their family histories is the need for understanding and for knowledge of the missing links their families’ past. The Symposium includes exceptional speakers with a broad range of experiences who will examine topics of specific interest to the 2nd and 3rd Generation of Holocaust Survivors.

How to Research Your Parents’ History: Searching for Individuals in the International Tracing Service Collection at the Washington, DC United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM). Dr. Diane Afoumado, Chief of the Research and Reference Branch, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Tracing Services.

Surviving Survival: Holocaust Survivors and their Integration into Canadian Communities. Dr. Paula Draper: Holocaust historian and Canadian interviewer for the Steven Spielberg Holocaust survivor video project.

Trauma and the 2nd Generation. Dr. Paula David, professor of gerontology and clinical practice at the Faculty of Social Work at the University of Toronto.

Discussing the Holocaust with Children – Timeless Lessons for Today’s Generation and the Impact of her Parents’ Experiences on Her Life and Work. Kathy Clark: Local children’s author and a child of survivors.

Event MC: Dr. Deidre Butler Director of the Zelikovitz Centre.

HEM program: This Program is made possible by the Campus Outreach Lecture Program of the United States Holocaust Museum’s Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, supported by Jack and Goldie Wolfe Miller, sponsored by Canadian Jewish Holocaust Survivors and descendants (CJHSD), the French embassy in Ottawa, the Council of the Jackob M. Lowy Collection, The Canada Israel Cultural Foundation, The Zelikovitz Centre for Jewish Studies and the department of History at Carleton University.