Holocaust Education Month Launch Event

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Date: November 9, 2016
Time: 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Location: Khilat Beit Israel, 1400 Coldrey Ave, Ottawa

Free event.

Ottawa Jewish Bulletin: Lecture by esteemed scholar Michael Marrus to launch Holocaust Education Month

An evening to commemorate the 78th anniversary of Kristallnacht

Keynote address “Lessons of the Holocaust” – A Historian’s Reflections by Michael R. Marrus. Today the holocaust is understood to be not only one of the defining moments of the twentieth century but also a touchstone in a quest for directions on how to avoid such catastrophes. In Lessons of the Holocaust, the distinguished historian Michael R. Marrus challenges the notion that there are definitive lessons to be deduced from the destruction of European Jewry. Instead, drawing on decades of studying, writing about, and teaching the Holocaust, he shows how the “lessons” of the holocaust are constantly challenged, debated, altered, and reinterpreted. Prof. Marrus is Senior Fellow of Massey College and the Chancellor Rose and Ray Wolfe Professor Emeritus of Holocaust Studies at the University of Toronto.

The Ari van Mansum Award recipient for excellence in Holocaust Education will also be announced.

Event MC: Laurence Wall of CBC Ottawa.

HEM Program of Centre for Holocaust Education and Scholarship (CHES) in cooperation with Kehillat Beth Israel, and Zelikovitz Centre for Jewish Studies Carleton University.