2017, September 27, “From Vision to Reality”. The inauguration ceremony of the National Holocaust Monument, Ottawa. The Centre for Holocaust Education and Scholarship (CHES) in cooperation with the National Holocaust Monument Council presented From Vision to Reality, at Library and Archives Canada.

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To honour the inauguration of the National Holocaust Monument, the Centre for Holocaust Education and Scholarship (CHES) in cooperation with the National Holocaust Monument Council presented From Vision to Reality, at Library and Archives Canada on September 27th, 2017. The event, which was sold out, was a powerful, moving and inspiring evening.

To offer all those who were not able to attend an opportunity to hear Rabbi Friedman, the Chair of the National Holocaust Monument Council, and Dr. Krell, Psychiatrist and Founding President, Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre, we recorded the evening.

The CHES thanks Rabbi Friedman and Dr. Krell for their contribution to the success of the event. Special thanks to Laurence Wall for helping make this event special and to CHES committee members who helped make last night such a great evening!

Mina Cohn
Centre for Holocaust Education and Scholarship (CHES)
