Indifference in Genocide

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By Justin Ma In Irwin Cotler’s, “Twenty years after the Rwandan genocide, six lessons to remember, he wrote that the first lesson is how, similarly to the Holocaust, the Rwandan genocide started with government-sanctioned demonization and dehumanization of a minority. … Continued

Moments from My March of The Living Experience

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By Anneke Goodwin   March of the Living is an international educational program that includes a march of three kilometres from Auschwitz to Birkenau on Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) in honour of those who survived and in memory of … Continued

We Remember.

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Cantor Kraus CHES is saddened by the loss of Holocaust survivor Cantor Moshe Shimon Kraus who passed away on Monday, May 29th. He was 101 years old. We are forever grateful for his willingness to share his survival story with … Continued

Jewish Equity Coach Appointed

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CHES is pleased to learn that Brian Kom has been appointed as the OCDSB’s Jewish Equity Coach. We look forward to working with Brian and assisting him in any way we can as he fulfills his important role in addressing … Continued

Jewish Journeys Grant Awarded to CHES

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CHES is pleased to announce that our program, Through Their Eyes, has been generously awarded Jewish Federation of Ottawa’s Jewish Journeys Grant. Through Their Eyes will empower the Next Generation to share their families’ stories and will benefit our community for years to come. Thanks … Continued

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