By Kara Goodwin
The past two months of Through Their Eyes have been quiet in terms of events, but CHES has been busy in the background laying the groundwork for presentation development. Over 35 participants have joined the program, either submitting family information with the intention of developing presentations (for classrooms or themselves) or attending programs. Of these the vast majority are 2nd Generation, and we have a few 3rd and one 4th Generation survivor.

Based on the participant backgrounds we have identified several cohorts with common Holocaust backgrounds, including Kindertransport, Forest hiding/Partisan, and Auschwitz/Camp survivors and hiding. These cohorts will provide useful resources and support going forward.
For those with survivor video testimony at the USC Shoah Foundation, we have been working with the Foundation to streamline the process of requesting and downloading testimony through a group request for this project. We hope to have this finalized soon. If this is your situation, please watch for an email with more information and instructions.
A good deal of the project budget for Through Their Eyes is allocated to creating digital materials or video. It is our vision that these materials will go with speakers to classrooms, and can be shared in part or whole online to teach about the Holocaust.
On Dec. 10th, we hosted a Hanukkah coffee/sufganiyot with “share and tell”. It was a meaningful gathering where participants shared artefacts and family histories and we were able to learn more about each other. The format worked so well that we will be sure to do this again – so stay tuned for a future “share and tell”.
Due to October 7 horrific events in Israel, we postponed the October program: Telling Our Bubbes’ Stories – with Through Their Eyes Calgary presenters Dahlia Libin, and Marnie Bondar. On December 14 via Zoom, Dahlia and Marnie spoke about the process of using video to retell and bring their family stories to classrooms.
In January, we will begin workshops with in-person or via zoom to start guide and encourage participants through the script writing process and offer research support. These workshops are sequential – everyone may be at a different place in their project. Please check your inbox for upcoming dates and details.
The survival stories shared at the meeting today represent a small part of the legacies left by survivors in our community which we are only learning about now through the eyes of their descendants. CHES is looking forward to developing them into professional presentation that would be shared in our community.
Kara Goodwin is a CHES Director.