Descendants of Holocaust survivors speak out

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Date:Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Time: 7 p.m.
Location: Kehillat Beth Israel Synagogue 1400 Coldrey Ave

An event for descendants of survivors, registration required. Please RSVP at

Descendants of Holocaust survivors Speak Out: Memory, Identity and Emerging Narratives. “I don’t speak because I have the power to speak, I speak because I cannot remain silent.” Rabbi A. I. Kooke.

A panel discussion with Israel’s Ambassador to Canada – Nimrod Barkan, Elin Beaumont, Lawrence Greenspon, and Prof Jan Grabowski. Artur Wilczynski Canada’s ambassador to Norway and Canada’s representative to IHRA.

The Forum includes diverse speakers with a broad range of experiences who will discuss topics that are of interest to descendants of Holocaust Survivors.

Without having lived through the events of the Holocaust, descendants of Holocaust survivors were affected by their parents’ experiences. As the number of our parents and grandparents who survived the Holocaust is dwindling, some of the questions that emerge for us are: how do we keep their stories of pain and suffering, survival and resilience alive? How do we tell their stories? In what ways have their stories shaped us?

Our five panelists, all descendants of Holocaust survivors, will share stories and memories that shaped their life choices, and why it is important for them to speak out and make a difference.

Presented by the Centre for Holocaust Education and Scholarship in cooperation with Kehillat Beth Israel Synagogue and the Azrieli Foundation.