Exciting News From CHES’ Partner Liberation75

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By Marilyn Sinclair

In 2021, Liberation75 was invited by the USC Shoah Foundation to pursue an important mission: Find 150 Canadian Holocaust survivors and record their testimonies. We are proud to announce that we have achieved this goal thanks to a generous donor and the unrelenting efforts of a team of videographers, interviewers, coordinators, and partners (including CHES) throughout Canada. We are so grateful to everyone who participated, especially the Holocaust survivors who shared their painful and important memories with us and which included 16 who live in Ottawa.

These 150 Canadian testimonies in English, French, Russian, and Hebrew are part of USC Shoah Foundation’s Last Chance Testimony Collection Initiative, which aims to record as many testimonies as possible of Holocaust survivors who have not yet been interviewed. The videos will be digitized, indexed, archived, and preserved in USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive, which currently houses 55,000+ testimonies by survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust and other genocides.

Liberation75 looks forward to sharing these impactful testimonies with the world, and seeing how this footage is used for education, research, and remembrance in the future.

I am so proud that this Last Chance Collection initiative showed once again that there is nothing that the Jewish community across Canada cannot accomplish when we work together. With your help, WE DID IT!

Marilyn Sinclair is the founder of Liberation75.
