CHES introduced Ted’s Story as part of a Board Wide PD Day for the new Grade 6 Holocaust Education curriculum requirements. Teachers’ workshops were offered for the Ottawa Carleton District School Board (OCDSB). The workshop was presented in cooperation with the Azrieli Foundation, Yad Vashem Jerusalem International School and the Centre for Holocaust Education and Scholarship and the Ottawa Carleton District School Board Holocaust Committee.
Ted Ingberg’s Story Lesson Plan
Video from Yad Vashem Jerusalem International School
Azrieli Foundation Memoires Program (Includes Teachers Guide):
Escape from the Edge by Morris Schnitzer & In Hiding by Marguerite Élias Quddus
Additional material from OCDSB Holocaust Education Working Group is available on the OCDSB Google Classroom.
Workshop facilitators in order of presentation: Mina Cohn the Chair of CHES, OCDSB Holocaust Education Working Group, Yoni Berrous of Yad Vashem’s International School for Holocaust Studies in Jerusalem, Marc-Olivier Clouthier of the Azrieli Foundation.