Kenra Mroz is an English, Writer’s Craft, and Special Education teacher at Sir Robert Borden High School in Ottawa. She is also the school’s Equity and Diversity co-representative and the co-ordinator of its Social Justice Club. Holocaust history and legacy have always been integral components of Kenra’s teaching practice. She firmly believes that Holocaust Education is a serious responsibility that requires ongoing personal and professional development. In the summer of 2019, Kenra participated in the Canadian Society for Yad Vashem’s Summer Scholarship program at the International School for Holocaust Studies at Yad Vashem. The seminars, workshops, and field trips not only helped to expand and enrich her focus, but also inspired and encouraged her to develop and strengthen her commitment to Holocaust Education. Kenra is very pleased to be actively working with CHES and she is looking forward to continuing to work with students, colleagues, and communities in an effort to promote awareness, empowerment, and positive change.