Leave a Lasting Legacy

What is Legacy Planning?
Legacy Planning is the process of preparing your charitable donations in advance. This allows you to achieve your philanthropic goals while maximizing your social impact, tax benefits, and other financial advantages.
Our legacy donors are people like you, who believe in the power of education and the importance of sharing memory and lessons from the Holocaust. Your legacy gift will nurture and inspire tomorrow’s leaders and make a lasting impact to create a better future for our children and grandchildren and future generations.
Make a Bequest
A charitable bequest to the Centre for Holocaust Education and Scholarship is a gift made through your will that is distributed by your estate. The Centre will issue a receipt for the bequest, which will result in a tax credit that may be claimed to offset up to 100% of your taxable income in the year of death and the preceding year.
A charitable bequest can be designated for a specific purpose / program / activity at the Centre. Bequests can be a dollar amount, a specific asset, or as a percentage of the remainder of your estate.
If you have already left the Centre a gift in your will, please let us know to help our planning, ensure that your wishes will be honoured, and guarantee recognition of your generosity in the prestigious Centre for Holocaust Education and Scholarship Legacy Circle.
A gift of life insurance ensures a significant, lasting contribution to the Centre at a modest cost, while you receive valuable tax benefits. Younger donors who would like to make a significant contribution may not have the financial resources to do so during their lifetime. A gift of life insurance is the perfect solution and donations can be made through a new or existing insurance policy.
You can name the Centre as the beneficiary of your Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) or Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF). The value of your retirement plan gifted to CHES is removed from your estate, which can greatly reduce the tax owing on your final Canada Revenue Agency tax return.
Due to recent tax changes, you no longer need to designate the recipient charity in your will.* Just sign a declaration provided by your financial institution or through your financial advisor to designate the Centre as a beneficiary.
Once your needs and those of your loved ones have been taken care of, you can donate registered assets such as a RRSP or a RRIF to create a legacy that will benefit the Centre and effectively reduce the taxes payable by your estate.
* If you are a resident of the Province of Quebec, you must designate the beneficiaries of your RRSPs and RRIFs through a clause in your will.
You can donate securities directly to the Centre to eliminate the capital gains tax on your investments. Canadian law and the Canada-U.S. Tax Treaty currently allow you to donate traded securities, mutual funds, and bonds to registered charities without having to pay a capital gains tax. To avoid paying capital gains tax, the securities must be transferred directly to the Centre and not cashed first.
Please contact: info@chesatottawa.ca
Remember to consult with your tax advisor and lawyer to determine which planned gift strategy is best for you.
When including a gift to the Centre in your will or any other document, it is extremely important that you use our correct legal name charitable registration number for Canadian Charities.
The Centre for Holocaust Education and Scholarship
Registration # 77112 6331 RR0001
A Legacy of Holocaust Education
The Centre for Holocaust Education and Scholarship Legacy Circle has been created to honour our donors who have made planned gifts. Members of the Legacy Circle are caring visionaries who are passionate about ensuring the message of Holocaust Education endures well into the future. Their foresight will have an impact on the lives of students, teachers, and the Ottawa community for generations to come.
Our legacy donors are people like you, who believe in the power of education and the importance of sharing memory and lessons from the Holocaust. Your legacy gift will nurture and inspire tomorrow’s leaders and make a lasting impact to create a better future for our children and grandchildren and future generations.
Let Us Thank You
We would be pleased to recognize your donation on the CHES Legacy Wall, which can be found on our website (Coming Soon!) only with your consent.
Please contact us if you’ve already named the Centre in your estate plan. We would like to thank you personally for your generosity and commitment and welcome you to the CHES Legacy Circle.
If you have any questions contact us at: info@chesatottawa.ca