Watch and listen to 11 Ottawa Holocaust survivors share their stories. Each video is approximately 30 minutes in length.
Realizing that the weight of teaching the Holocaust poses challenges for educators and students helped us to focus the rationale and develop the following goal for the project: to document and preserve the testimonies of Ottawa Holocaust survivors as primary sources of oral history mediated through film and with broad online access.
Our hope is that the testimonies will allow future generations of students, researchers, teachers, and others to hear and see the people who experienced and witnessed the genocidal policies and crimes of the Nazis and their collaborators.
Elly Bollegraaf
Elly Bollegraaf, born in 1940 in Amsterdam, Netherlands, died in 2025 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Survived as a hidden child in the south of Holland.
Tova Clark
Tova Clark, born in 1939 in Opeln, Germany. Child survivor, survived in Shanghai, China.
Jessica Fiksel
Jessica Fiksel, born in 1930 in Lwow, Poland, died in 2020 in Ottawa, Ont Canada. Child survivor, survived by hiding in a barn dugout for 22 months.
Vera Gara
Vera Gara, born in 1933 in Vienna, Austria. Child survivor, survived the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.
Dr. Agnes Klein, MD
Dr. Agnes Klein, MD, born in 1937 in Brasov, Romania. Child survivor, survived on a farm in Romania.
Raoul Korngold
Raoul Korngold, born in 1936 in Strasbourg, France. Child survivor, survived under false identity in France.
Cantor Kraus
Cantor Kraus, born in 1923 in Uzhorod, Czechoslovakia, died in 2023 in Ottawa, Ont Canada. Survived Bor labor camp (Serbia) and the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.
Kati Morrison
Kati Morrison, born in 1940, Budapest, Hungary. Child survivor, survived in a safe house and in Budapest Ghetto.
David Moskovic
David Moskovic, born in 1929 in Koňuš, Czechoslovakia. Survived Bunalager (Buna) slave labor camp and Buchenwald concentration camp.
Judy Young Drache
Judy Young Drache, born in 1943 in Budapest, Hungary. Child survivor, survived as a hidden baby in Budapest.
Dr. Erwin Koranyi
Dr. Erwin Koranyi, born in Budapest, Hungary in 1924. Survived with the help of a Schutz-pass given to him by Raoul Wallenberg.