Teachers’ Workshop 2017

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Date: Thursday, November 23, 2017
Time: 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Location: Temple Israel 1301 Prince of Wales Dr, Ottawa

Teachers’ Workshop 2017: 70 years since the arrival of 1,123 Holocaust orphans to Canada. Immigration Then and Now: What Can We Learn?

Keynote address: Robbie Waisman, one of the 1123 Jewish orphans who were admitted to Canada from 1947 to 1949.

Special presentations by CBC journalist Judy Trinh, who arrived in Canada as a refugee with the Vietnamese “Boat people”, and Elin Beaumont of the Educational Outreach and Program Coordinator of the Holocaust Survivor Memoirs Program at the Azrieli Foundation.

Free parking, Light dinner.

Registration required by Nov 9th 2017. RSVP via http://bit.ly/chesteachers (or fill out the form below the event poster)

Presented by the Centre for Holocaust Education and Scholarship, in cooperation with the Temple Israel, Zelikovitz Centre for Jewish Studies, Azrieli Foundation.